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Chanakya Niti Gujarati 10.1
Arkay Apps
Vishnugupt Chankya has been a unique greatsoul of India. Many great souls have imparted the treasure ofpolitics to the human community in India but Chanakya’scontribution in politics and intact India is really quite great. Hehas greatly advocated the significance of education and he has alsoproved that only through education, there lies success in politicsand in a nation’s all round development. Through education, one canunderstand politics; and attain success in life and the nation alsois fully developed.Chanakya showed great importance of education and politics in abusy life and to keep the intelligent conscious, he imparted maximswhich are knowns as wonderful Chanakyan ethics. Shashtri SwamiSuryaprakashji of Bhuj Swaminarayan Mandir has prepared this compiling all the maxims in his own language.This Apps. is to show several solutions for coming troubles andit also displays the way of our behaviour at a proper time. Evensaints, great souls and the God insist on reading the maxims of theperson like Chanakya, so those who follow this Chanakya Niti intheir lives, will certainly attain success.The God Swaminarayan, in His ethical discourses, many timesexpounded this Chanakya ethics. The person who reads and broodsover this Chanakya Niti attains good chances to be happy in thisworld and after his death too. Shashtri Swami Suryaprakashji ofBhuj Swaminarayan Mandir famous in the Swaminarayan sect, hasprepared this Apps so that all may have advantage of these ethicalmaxims of Chankya Niti.This Chankya Niti has been presented in various languages by somany learned people of the world but I have been inspired both bythe God Swaminarayan and by my preceptor, so I, too, have attemptedmyself. The maxims of it are really nectar-like, so this App. canbe named as the ‘Spells to be happy’. I hope that through thisApps. many young people of India as well as the world , will learnpolitics, practicality and religious acts.This App. will prove to be useful to all like that of Shikshapatriand Vidurniti. By using this App. all will have the blessings ofthe God Narnarayan Dev, the Acharya Maharajshri and all the saintsof Bhuj Swaminarayan Temple.
Bhagavad Gita Quote 2.5
Arkay Apps
Application of Bhagavad Gita Quote. Continuesdisplay Bhagavad Gita quote using next and previous button. Usercan also bookmark it’s interested quote. Also providedfunctionality to share particular quote on social networking sitesand display quote in widget.Want to received latest update of ours apps? Like us..
Satsang Quiz 2.4
Arkay Apps
Satsang Quiz:- by Surya Prakash AcharyaSwami Suryaprakash Acharya of Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj hasprepared the Stasang quiz App. which is very useful and a wonderfulas well as an informative collection. An effort has been made inthis app is really worthwhile for all followers of Swaminarayan tohave information regarding the holy fellowship in a playful mode,to get the benefit of the moral stories of Satsang and to knownoble thoughts of the great.Through the quiz of holy fellowship, the nectar-like words ofthe God Swaminarayan and his inspiring deeds have been introducedin this field. The inspiring statements of the God Swaminarayan’scontemporary saints like Brahmanand Swami, Muktanand Swami and someother saints have been included in this field. The quotations ofthe scriptures have also been presented in it. The religious bookswritten by Shastri Suryaprakash Acharya have been presentedhere.There are some people who are the followers of the holyfellowship and hardly read and ponder over and so lose divineenergy, not having any novel inspiration, therefore, keeping thisinto mind, this app. has been successfully prepared covering allthe aspects of life by the author.This unique app. has been prepared through the inspiration ofthe great saints of Swaminarayan Bhuj Mandir for the all types ofseekers and religious minded people benefitting them all verymuch.To convey the information regarding the Swaminarayan sects, toprovide spiritual strength as well as to bestow inner knowledge tothe children, the young and the elders; this Satsang’streasure-like app. has been prepared bearing such an is most helpful to all Satsangis. This isreally a unique web site published by BhujmandirWant to received latest update of ours apps? Subscribe us. read our Blog for more Satsang Info:
Nitya Niyam 1.3
Arkay Apps
The Swaminarayan sect insists on restraint ofthe senses, a religious vow or control, meditation and the worshipof God Swaminarayan. Nityaniyam (daily routine or daily prayer) isquite popular and famous in Bhujmandir and in Swaminarayan sect,hence to benefit all the followers of the Swaminarayan sect and theBhujmandir, the learned Swami Suryaprakash Acharya has preparedNityaniyam App which will be quite useful to all the satsangis(followers).In this Nityaniyam App include the main Aarti, Cheshta and allothers with Sherikho have been presented. Bhuj mandir firmlybelieves that this Nityaniyam App will be beneficial to thefollower of the Swaminarayan sect or the follower of Bhujmandir, nomatter, wherever he or she stays in the world.This Nityaniyam App has been prepared in accordance with the wayas it is sung in the Swaminarayan sect and in Bhujmandir.Nityaniyam also includes Janmangal stotram. Janmangal stotram isrecited in Swaminarayan sect and in Bhujmandir. Whatever Bhujmandirenterprises for the followers of the Swaminarayan sect is grace ofGod Swaminarayan.It’s my sole prayer in the Lotus feet of God Swaminarayan thatthis Nityaniyam App may be beneficial to all the followers of theSwaminarayan Sect and the Bhujmandir as well as other devoutpeople.Copyright ©We have not taken any writings or images that are undersomebody’s copy right without a permission, so, yet if someone hasany doubt, he should show his copy rights providing a writteninformation and can inform me on e-mail at orcopyright@arkayapps.comShashtri SuryaprakashdasjiShri Swaminarayan MandirBhuj-Kachchh-370001
Shikshapatri 1.3
Arkay Apps
God Swaminarayan has showed a wonderful art ofliving life with a human being and nature through the medium of theShikshapatri and his life. God Swaminarayan has displayed a uniqueway to the world to enjoy the heavenly joys by writing this smallShikshapatri of 212 stanzas. The whole Swaminarayan sect worshipthis Shikshapatri’ daily. This Shikshapatri manifests the real pathto any follower of any religion, faith or sect of this world. ThisShikshapatri presents the importance of everyday study of thereligious books and the devotion of the God.Suryaprakash Acharya has prepared this Shikshapatri in the form of‘application’ for all the men and women on behalf of Swaminarayansect. The significance or majesty of Swaminarayan sect lie inspreading divine lights in the lives of people because one can havethe glimpse of all and everything through this light. Shikshapatriis the destroyer of the darkness of the lives of the all humanbeings. With the help of the Shikshapatri, Swaminarayan sect maybring welfare to all.Copyright ©We have not taken any writings or images that are undersomebody’s copy right without a permission, so, yet if someone hasany doubt, he should show his copy rights providing a writteninformation and can inform me on e-mail at orcopyright@arkayapps.comShashtri SuryaprakashdasjiShri Swaminarayan Mandir - Bhuj
Vidur Sutra 1.4
Arkay Apps
Vidurniti is very useful in our life.Vidurniti imparts a novel inner understanding daily in our busyroutine life. The ‘Vidurniti Karnika’ edited by ShashtriSuryaprakash Acharya- Bhuj Mandir, shows so many solutions for theforthcoming hardships. The swami Suryaprakash Acharya of the famousBhuj mandir in the Swaminarayan sect has prepared this ‘VidurnitiKarnika’ in order to make it beneficial to all.The contemporary saints of the God Swaminarayan like BrahmanandSwami, Muktanand Swami and so on have sung this ‘ Vidurniti intheir poetic language for the goodness of the devotees and othersall. We hope that this ‘Vidurniti Karnika apps.’ will teachpolitics and practicalities of life to many youths through BhujMandir. I will feel satisfaction surely by offering a unique flowernamed vidurniti apps of Bhuj Mandir like that of ‘Satsang QuizApps.’ to the God Swaminarayan. Our Acharya Maharaj, Mahant Swamiand all saints will also get pleased Vidurniti Karnika. Thesentences of vidur are like maxims, so it would be rather suitableto call them ‘vidur sutra also.
Vachanamrita Amrita 1.6
Arkay Apps
** The Collection of Vachanamrut Quotes**Vachanamrita is an unparalleled religious book for a spiritualand practical life in Gujarati literature. In this book, theoriginal form of the soul and the God has been narrated in verysimple words with the utterances of the Vedas, the Upnishadas, thePuranas like shrimad Bhagwat and many other scriptures. There is adirect dialogue between the God Swaminarayan and His accomplishedsaints.Some nectar-like sentences have been chosen from the Vachanamritaof the God Swaminarayan in order that all saints, satsangis andreligious-minded people may attain advantage of the God’s immortalideas. Vachanamrita is definitely the best religious book of theSwaminarayan sect but it is the noblest scripture for all theworshippers of the God.Shastri Surya Prakash, have prepared some immortal sayings toimbibe in real life with the inspiration of the God Swaminarayanand his contemporary saints like Muktanand Swami. My prime purposeis that all devotees may have the advantage of these pearl likemaxims of the God.For the first time, it has happened that this ‘Amrita Apps’ will beuseful to all humanbeings. In this apps the intention is thatpeople firmly may believe God Swaminarayan in their hearts and canrealize their souls.This ‘Amrita Apps’, prepared with the inspiration of all thesaints of Bhuj Swaminarayan Mandir, is a very useful and wonderful‘Apps’ because it contains all the inspiring maxims of the‘Vachanamrita’. The venerable Acharya Maharaj of our sect and allthe saints and devotees may attain its advantage and appreciate myattempt.Copyright © Book Author Shashtri SuryaprakashdasjiWhen I first started writing with the God Swaminarayan’s mercyand inner inspiration of true preceptor saints, it has proved to bevery useful to all religious-minded societies and thousands ofdevotees of the God Swaminarayan since then. Whatever maxims orarticles I have written so far and done something for chidren, withtaking images, have been written with my own intelligence and allthis, I have done with the compassion of Shashtri SwamiDharmajivandasji, the head of the sect-Acharya Maharajshri and allthe sacred saints of the past as well as the present ,Whatever mywriting contains such as maxims, articles or poem, comes under mydirect right. So without my written permission, no one can use ithaving one’s own name. Moreover no one also can use directly forthe one’s economicas purpose the images and the writtings in theforms of the Apps or the site in the web world, that have beenlaunched by me, without my permission. Besides, I, too, have nottaken any writings or images that are under somebody’s copy rightwithout a permission, so, yet if someone has any doubt, he shouldshow his copy rights providing a written information and can informme on e-mail at orcopyright@arkayapps.comShashtri SuryaprakashdasjiShri Swaminarayan MandirBhuj-Kachchh-370001
Ma Bap 2.3
Arkay Apps
Ma Bap:- by Surya Prakash AcharyaGod Swaminarayan says one should serve his parents, ma Bap. Inthis world, there are three great characters namely: a father, amother and a preceptor who, according to their wish, impart totheir children; the power, the opulence, the luster and thecapability.Swami Suryaprakash Acharya of swaminarayan sect of Bhunmandir,has written inspiring holy sentences about parents of GodSwaminarayan and great saints. All saints of SwaminarayanBhujmandir always emphasise that service of old parents is the bestway to get blessing of God Swaminarayan.In the Swaminarayan sampraday and in Bhumandir the importance ofthe service of parents is rewarded and greatly shown, besides, theservice of parents is service to Swaminarayan and also Bhujmandir.There is no exaggeration at all. The God Swaminarayan himself hasserved his parents, is recommended to all satsangis of Bhujmandirand Swaminarayan sampraday as preached in Hindu culture.I know this app of Bhujmandir about parents surely be inspiring toBhujmandir’s followers and all swaminarayan satsangis of theworld.Copyright © Book Author Shashtri SuryaprakashdasjiWhen I first started writing with the God Swaminarayan’s mercyand inner inspiration of true preceptor saints, it has proved to bevery useful to all religious-minded societies and thousands ofdevotees of the God Swaminarayan since then. Whatever maxims orarticles I have written so far and done something for chidren, withtaking images, have been written with my own intelligence and allthis, I have done with the compassion of Shashtri SwamiDharmajivandasji, the head of the sect-Acharya Maharajshri and allthe sacred saints of the past as well as the present ,Whatever mywriting contains such as maxims, articles or poem, comes under mydirect right. So without my written permission, no one can use ithaving one’s own name. Moreover no one also can use directly forthe one’s economicas purpose the images and the writtings in theforms of the Apps or the site in the web world, that have beenlaunched by me, without my permission. Besides, I, too, have nottaken any writings or images that are under somebody’s copy rightwithout a permission, so, yet if someone has any doubt, he shouldshow his copy rights providing a written information and can informme on e-mail at orcopyright@arkayapps.comShashtri SuryaprakashdasjiShri Swaminarayan MandirBhuj-Kachchh-370001
Prerana Na Puspo 1.5
Arkay Apps
Prerana Na Puspo:- by Surya Prakash AcharyaIn today’s hard and fast life, people have no time to read holybooks and good scriptures like Shikshapatri or Vachnamrut. Eventhey do not have right guidance as to what they should read andwhat not, So keeping this problem into consideration,one of thegreat saints of Swaminarayan Bhujmandir named Suryaprakash Acharyahas come forward and written a nice booklet called “ Prerana naPushpo” following the inspiring tradition of the swaminarayanSampraday.God Swaminarayan is known as Sahajanada meaning, having thetendency towards natural joy and holy books, similarly, saint hasthe same tendency of Bhujmandir .Just as a wasp collects nectarfrom different flowers,surya prakash Acharya has presented immortalthoughts as Prerna na Puspo by collecting them from variousreligious sources.The motivated quotations presented here in the book areinsipirative and religious. Famous Bhujmandir of SwaminarayanSampraday feel proud as the sentences of noble hearts and minds arepublished through app. Bhujmandir tries to show the real path ofinspiration to all people of world.Want to received latest update of ours apps? Subscribe us..
Spell of Life 1.9
Arkay Apps
Spell of life:- by Surya Prakash AcharyaSwaminarayan Bhujmandir is a place for inspiration. its has manywonderful holy inspirational signs, as well as many books, in whichgreat and inspirative sentences are available. This small book appnamed Spell of life is the key of success containing the brilliantand famous quotations.Surya Prakash Acharya of Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj - Kutch, haswritten this booklet as the inspiring thoughts, enhances abilityand strength of each reader. This holly booklet, the Spell of lifecontains the life style quotations. Bhujmandir and his saints ofGod Swaminarayan always emphasizes that God Swaminarayan’s strengthin the heart of all can be had only by reading the super stylequotations of holy books.These quotations are such that would give youthfulness in lifeof everyone and bright light to all satsangi of SwaminarayanSampraday and Bhujmandir as well as to all human beings.Bhujmandir and this inspirative sentences are the sign ofcourage to all youth of Swaminarayan Sampraday. May reader of thisbooklet get wonderful and brilliant path of life by the blessing ofBhujmandir and god Swaminarayan.Copyright © Book Author Shashtri SuryaprakashdasjiWhen I first started writing with the God Swaminarayan’s mercyand inner inspiration of true preceptor saints, it has proved to bevery useful to all religious-minded societies and thousands ofdevotees of the God Swaminarayan since then. Whatever maxims orarticles I have written so far and done something for chidren, withtaking images, have been written with my own intelligence and allthis, I have done with the compassion of Shashtri SwamiDharmajivandasji, the head of the sect-Acharya Maharajshri and allthe sacred saints of the past as well as the present ,Whatever mywriting contains such as maxims, articles or poem, comes under mydirect right. So without my written permission, no one can use ithaving one’s own name. Moreover no one also can use directly forthe one’s economicas purpose the images and the writtings in theforms of the Apps or the site in the web world, that have beenlaunched by me, without my permission. Besides, I, too, have nottaken any writings or images that are under somebody’s copy rightwithout a permission, so, yet if someone has any doubt, he shouldshow his copy rights providing a written information and can informme on e-mail at orcopyright@arkayapps.comShashtri SuryaprakashdasjiShri Swaminarayan MandirBhuj-Kachchh-370001
Kindergarten Fun Pro 3.2
Arkay Apps
Kindergarten Fun is a fun educational game forpreschool kids. This app has been developed to improve VisualSpatial Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Cognitive Skills andconfidence through activities such as identifying pictures, words,letters of the alphabet, colours, animals, vehicle names and muchmore. Kindergarten Fun uses colourful designs, pictures and soundsto make it fun and interactive. On this app, kids can play matchinggames involving colours, shapes, animals etc. and with touch andtrace, it's simple and easy to use!Learning Features:• Match a picture and its colour e.g. Tomato -> Red• Identify shapes from pictures• Join relative pairs e.g. Socks -> Shoes• Match an animal to its offspring e.g. Dog -> Puppy• Complete pairs of missing numbers• Match capital letters to lowercase letters e.g. A -> a• Match a number to its word e.g. 4 -> Four• Calculate simple addition sums and match the answer• Match an animal to its product e.g. Cow -> Gives us milk• Match a pair of maths formulas like addition andsubtraction.• Match analogue clock time to digital clock time.• Make a new word from two pictures e.g. Basket + Ball ->Basketball.• Fill in the blank e.g. _AG -> BAG• Match a pair of opposite words e.g. Hot -> Cold (or anotherexample you have)• Match rhyming words e.g. Bug -> Mug• Match animals to their habitats e.g. Fish -> Sea• Match the first letter of a word to an image of the word e.g. M-> Monkey• Match an animal to their food e.g. Monkey -> Banana• Match an animal to their home e.g. Dog -> KennelApp Features:• Listen to the words after a pair has been completed• Interactive designs and sounds to make playing fun!• Rewards achievements the more times you play• Receive a ‘Thumbs Up’ after a lesson has been completed• Really helpful for learning maths, the number system, thealphabet, words, shapes etc.The levels on the app start easy and get more challenging eachtime. For example, after successfully identifying simple pairs likeshapes and colours, the app will then move onto matching upper caseletters to lower case letters, finding missing numbers and letters,addition and much more. We are sure that kids will love and enjoyplaying this app!
Kids Words Power 1.1
Arkay Apps
Best words power app for age 4-8 years kidsand children.Does you like to improve your kids/child words power? Yes, thenGift this app to your kids. we are sure kids/child will love thisapp. This kid’s words power game designed for kids and child thatimprove its words power to playing game. App with animated graphicsthis allow kids to learn and enhance their words power in a betterway. This is best recommended kids and children app. All yourchild's favorite apps in one safe place.Kids/Child Activity:★ Added 300 words with pictures.★ Recognize name of given picture with four option★ Fill First missing latter of given picture words.★ Fill middle missing latter of given picture words.★Fill Vowels missing latter of given picture words★Missing latter of alphabet, Words with picture and muchmore.★ Fill all words given picture.★ Arrange alphabetical order★ Kids quiz with four options★ Fill Middle Vowels★ Find lower-case for upper case latter.★ Fill Missing Later★ Guessing Picture name and fill Beginning sound★ Identify Animals, Fruits, Colors, Shapes, Birds, Vehicles,Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Body★ parts names with four option.Its main features are -:★ Improve words power skill and increases confidence.★ Top notch quality design.★ Excellent and attractive graphics are being used.★ Very easy to use.★ Kids can operate it easily.★ Several categories of words are available★ Supports all display sizes and screen resolutions★Save Score after completed level.It is a fun and addictive way to improve kids' words powerskills! The app is specially designed for children. So downloadthis app and let you kid explore words power the world in the mosteffective manner.Want to received latest update of ours apps? Subscribe us..
Kids Hindi Learning 1.6
Arkay Apps
App help your to Learn Hindi Alphabet alsoteach you how to speak them and much more.Kids Hindi Learning app is developed for Hindi children so childcan learn Hindi letter recognitions , identify picture with nameand trace letter through this apps on mobile and tablet.Feature:1) Attractive graphic interface which attract kid's to use thisapplication.2) Very easy navigation used to navigate the entries app.3) Iterative picture of words.4) Add sound of each picture.5) App will teach pronunciation, phonics words and spelling onHindi languageWe see that there are not enough apps are available for Hindikids users so we are trying to provide proper education on Hindilanguage though this app for our children's and kids . This appwill teaches Hindi latter, Hindi words ,Hindi alphabet ( Varnmala), Numbers , fruits name, animal name, birds name, colors names,body part, vehicles names and ank sabda with graphical picture andwords are written in Hindi so child can see picture and read wordseasily.We also provide functionality to trace alphabet ( Barahkhadi )and Numbers or Hindi alphabet and number writing on drawing pad soit can exercise Hindi Letter ( Akshar ) and Numbers.You have never seen Hindi alphabets, number and words to learnsuch interactive and innovative way.App contents Hindi Vernmala, Swar, Vyanjan and colorfull pictureswith Hindi words with name of pictures etc.
Words Match 1.5
Arkay Apps
Are you looking for the app which help yourkids to learn new words and enhance their vocabulary as well asreading skills? Then here is the best solution for you. ArkayAppsbrings Word Match Up games is the English words match game thathelp you discover new meanings and new words and enhance yourEnglish vocabulary. This is the best English vocabulary game. Inthis game you just have to match up the two sets of word thatcorrelates with each other which is really interesting. Playingthis game will improve your vocabulary, concentration and spellingskills.This app can be played by kids of age between 5 to 10 years.It's quite simple to play and following are the key steps-:1. Choose a Grade (1 is easiest and 8 is hardest)2. Choose the number of Word Cards to match3. Find the same matching WordCards and complete the grid in thetime limit.Various games included in this are vegetables name game, fruitsname game, birds name game, animals name game, colors name game andmany more.Benefits from this game -:1. Improve vocabulary2. Improve memory power3. Attractive colors are used for interface4. Measure progress with score rating5. Other supported languages: English, Spanish, French &HindiDownload the game and help your kid to improve theirvocabulary.Want to received latest update of ours apps? Subscribe us.. supported languages: English, Spanish, French &Hindi
Kids Catch & Learn 1.1
Arkay Apps
This game is for kids that can enjoy as gameand learns approx 200 words just playing. Game includes Fruit,Vegetable, Number, Shape, Alphabet and Flower names.Kids have to just catch any element from left side given aftercompleted 5 successfully catch element will be change. Also belowof each element it has written name of that element.There are two level of this game one is Easy and Hard.Easy: Kids have to catch after completed 50 catch successfullyit will game over.Hard: Kids have to catch element with following condition onLife Point out of 1001. If catch successfully then get 1 score point and 2 lifepoint2. if it catch wrong then it loss -15 life point out of 1003. if kids can't catch element then it can loss - 10 life pointif Life point become 0 then it will be game over.Score/Achievement:Game will promoter to kids for learn more and more words throughplaying and catch for that we save score each level score separateand sub of all score game will unload achievement.Learning Feature:* Catch Fruit and Flower that display on Left side with Name* Catch Number and Shape also* Make more and more score to unload all achievement* Improve kids Shapes, Fruits, Flowers, Number etc.* Completed one stage on successfully catch 5 element.* Kids can learn that work and identityApp Feature:* Interactive sound and background music* Make design that like kids* Save score and give achievement* Help full for learning Number, Alphabet, Flower, Fruit and Shapenames.
Satsang Puzzle 1.8
Arkay Apps
The Bhuj Swaminarayan Temple has prepared this‘Satsang Puzzle’ in order to impart pleasure and knowledge todevelop creativity in the minds of those children who have keeninterest for satsang and Indian culture as a means of theirplaying. This ‘Satsang Puzzle’ or ‘Swaminarayan Game’ has also beenprepared by the Bhuj Mandir to develop art in the children and tomake them understand the various forms of the God in a playfulmanner by observing the colourful pictures. This ‘Satsang Puzzle’also aims at having delight for the children by showing thedifferent divine sports of the God and different SwaminarayanTemples of the sect.In the Indian culture and the Swaminarayan sect, The God and Hisforms and the Mantras (miraculous formulas) are significant, sothey have been placed in rangolis to create playful atmosphere forthe children. The children will certainly like this ‘SatsangPuzzle’ or ‘Satsang Game’. The children love the God Swaminarayanvery much and all the children, saints and devotees like the BhujMandir very deeply.As we know, the Bhuj Mandir is having fame and name in theworld, so Shastri Suryaprakash Swami has prepared this Satsangpuzzle or satsang Game for the intellectual development of allchildren. With the passage of time, Shastri Suryaprakash Swami ofBhuj Swaminarayan Mandir will develop in this ‘Satsang Puzzle’definitely for the delight of the children.Copyright © Book Author Shashtri SuryaprakashdasjiWhen I first started writing with the God Swaminarayan’s mercyand inner inspiration of true preceptor saints, it has proved to bevery useful to all religious-minded societies and thousands ofdevotees of the God Swaminarayan since then. Whatever maxims orarticles I have written so far and done something for chidren, withtaking images, have been written with my own intelligence and allthis, I have done with the compassion of Shashtri SwamiDharmajivandasji, the head of the sect-Acharya Maharajshri and allthe sacred saints of the past as well as the present ,Whatever mywriting contains such as maxims, articles or poem, comes under mydirect right. So without my written permission, no one can use ithaving one’s own name. Moreover no one also can use directly forthe one’s economicas purpose the images and the writtings in theforms of the Apps or the site in the web world, that have beenlaunched by me, without my permission. Besides, I, too, have nottaken any writings or images that are under somebody’s copy rightwithout a permission, so, yet if someone has any doubt, he shouldshow his copy rights providing a written information and can informme on e-mail at orcopyright@arkayapps.comCharitra Image Credit: Shree Swami. Temple - Mankuva and ShreeHari Studio - MankuvaShashtri SuryaprakashdasjiShri Swaminarayan MandirBhuj-Kachchh-370001
Maths Practice 2.5
Arkay Apps
Make your maths calculation skill active just playing MathsPractice.
Reasoning Ability Test 1.4
Arkay Apps
Great way to engage and encourage critical thinking and logicalreasoning skill.
Swami Vivekananda Quotes 4.7
Arkay Apps
All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. :Swami Vivekanand
Adhyaynam - GK in Gujarati 6.0.7
Arkay Apps
Adhyaynam is the best GK APP in the Gujarati language. That eachone of us must have in our Android Phones. This app comes with avery attractive interface that can be used by anyone. There areseveral levels in this application that can be used to test thegeneral knowledge of an individual regarding Gujarat and itsbelongings. This is the recommended app for Gujarati lovers whowant to improve their general knowledge. Eye-catching features ofthis app are -: - So many objective questions in Gujarati -Different levels to check the mental ability and knowledge -Attractive user interface - Question covering famous states,cities, people, topics, historical events, and political events ofGujarat. - The app helps improve the general knowledge ofindividuals regarding Gujarat - Help to Students and exams likePCS, UPSC, IAS, State Level PSC, RAS, SSC, PSU, GATE, PO, IBPS,GPSC, etc. - Added Current Affair question - Save your favoritequestions on the app. - Compare and share your score with yourfriend using social media. - Current Affair question daily update.With a user-friendly interface, anyone can use this app. Severallevels are present. It helps to increase and clear many queriesrelated to GK. For any suggestions or advice contact us
Adhyaynam - GK in Hindi 5.0.1
Arkay Apps
Adhyaynam - General Knowledge App in Hindi
Kindergarten Fun 5.2
Arkay Apps
Kindergarten can fun and improve kids skills through identifypicture.
Math Skill 2.6
Arkay Apps
Easy and fast way to improve maths skill just playing game.
Kids Gujarati Learning 2.5
Arkay Apps
Let's teach Gujarati to our kids with most joy full way.